Atlanta, Georgia, United States
I named my page PHASES because, as women we go through all types of PHASES in our lives. I want you to follow me through the PHASES in my life and the growth I go through. I'm here to bring you TRUTH, not ILLUSIONS. The things we see on television, the internet, magazines, and even what we hear from some friends and family are ILLUSIONS. It's what society makes you believe you should look, what you should eat, how to raise our children, what we should do, say, buy, and even think. PHASES want to improve your way of life by letting you think for yourself and have what the spirit wants you to have. Here, I want women of color make and exchange our own clothes, art, sculptures, music, and also ideas. Everything is spiritually inspired to help you through all PHASES of life and expel what we've been brainwashed to do. That's what I want to do, EXPEL WHAT I'VE BEEN BRAINWASHED TO BELIEVE. WELCOME TO PHASES! Princess Ominah


Sunday, March 2, 2008


I found this site for real cultural sisters. It's posted as one of my favorite links and I really enjoy all the blogs, posts, links, and even it's wonderful members. YMIB stands for You Make It Beautiful and it is a site where YOU are an important factor to the equation. I love it here and am also a member as well. Click on the link to the left and join. I'm sure you'll love it as well. Sending a special shout out to you at YMIB!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Alvin Ailey


Glorious and Inspiring, Alvin Ailey is coming to town. February 28-March 2 2008 be sure to get your ticket to see a one of a kind performance at the FOX. Visit www.alvinailey.org for more details. It's vital that we support our people!

The company has earned a reputation as one of the most acclaimed international ambassadors of American culture, promoting the uniqueness of the African-American cultural experience and the preservation and enrichment of the American modern dance.

Jilly from Philly

The lovely Jill Scott is performing at the Fabulous Fox Theatre , The Real Thing Tour, February 22nd and on the 23rd at 8 p.m. Tickets range from $45 to $100. Check out this soulful sista in your town!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


One of my favorite artist of all time is finally coming with a new album to feed my hungry ears! The beautiful, the funky, the sista of this week ironically is coming forth with her senior album. Badu's new hit HONEY is a song I can groove to. Listen for yourself and oh yea...go buy that album on the 26th day of this month!

Quite Heavy


Now, I know I'm PHASES is for women, but this band has to be posted. My father once managed the band but remains cool with the guys.. I have to show much love and respect for this bands hard work. It's inspirational! Keep an ear out for them.

Their style is rock and hip hop with a unique twist. They recently signed with Universal Records. This is one of Atlanta's best kept secrets. Support you local bands...check them out at myspace.com/heavymojo and take a listen!


This recipe is courtesy of nattral.com. I had the pleasure to meet Sista Afya at her home here in Atlanta last year for a bar-b-que and her food is DELICIOUS. I'm open to many types of food and vegan is one that my taste buds are trying to get used to, but I tell you, she has a special touch when it comes to vegetarian style food!

Collard Greens

The cooking time on the greens depends on you. They will be lighter, less tender, but will retain more vitamins the less they are cooked. The longer they are cooked the more tender they will be.

2 tbsp oil
5 cloves garlic
1/4 cup onions, chopped
1/2 cup tomatoes, diced
1 bunch of collards, washed and chopped
1/2-1 cup veggie broth or water
2 tsp granulated garlic
1 tbsp soy sauce
Pinch of black pepper or cayenne
Sea salt to taste

1. Stack greens and cut of stems
2. Roll stack of greens and cut into thin shreds about 1/4 -1/2 inch thick
3. Wash in a strainer until fully cleaned.
4. Saute garlic and onion in oil on med/low heat until soft (3-5) min
5. Add tomatoes and greens, saute for 5 min
6. Add veggie broth, garlic powder, soy sauce and pepper cook for 15
min, cover, stirring occasionally.

Sea salt and black pepper to taste.

Vegetarian Food Fair...YUMMM

Don't say I didn't tell you!! See you there!!

House of IntegriTEA

I love this Atlanta tea shop because of it's eclectic vibe. It's very quiet and tucked away and has a lot to offer. Of course the main item on the menu is tea, but they also have vegan and vegetarian noshes to enjoy. They have a lovely Zen garden behind the shop surrounded by bamboo. You can sip tea by the koi pond and enjoy the great vibes. Saturday mornings they hold yoga and meditation classes followed by a tea tasting session. My favorite is White Earl Grey! You have to go to see what more they have to offer! They are closed on Tuesdays. Monday they hold spoken word from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday they are open from 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Here's a copy of their MarTEAnis menu they have on Mondays!


(non-alcoholic, tea-based beverages with fruits and add-in tonics)

~ five dollars ~


Moroccan Mint Green Tea Mojito


Moroccan Mint Green Tea Mojito with a swerve of OJ


Green Tea Watermelon Mojito

La Diva

Wild Blueberry and Green Tea Marteani

Satin Breeze

Peach, Pear, Pomegranate White Tea Marteani

A Twist

Sour Apple White Bai Mu Dan Marteani


Wild Blueberry and White Tea Marteani

Southern Girl

Georgia Peach Rooibos Tea Marteani

Ruby Red Slipper

Tropical Fruitasia Herbal Tea Pear Marteani


White Bai Mu Dan tea Watermelon Mojito

Yes We Can! Barack for Hire...

I love it! It has a feel of the "I have a dream" speech.

Planning a Vegetable Garden this Spring?

If you understand the basics and plan accordingly, a vegetable garden can deliver lasting rewards. Choose your favorite edibles, but also consider your climate, space, light, soil type, and budget. If you're a novice, start on a small scale.

Vegetable Garden 101

Understanding Timing

To determine when to start seeds and set seedlings outdoors, find out the first and last frost dates in your area. The number of days between these dates determines the length of your growing season; choose vegetables that will reach maturity within this span of time. Learn the basics of seed starting to understand timing and caring for seedlings.

Finding the Right Site
Choose a spot close to the house that remains sunny all day. A vegetable garden benefits from a level or gently sloping site and needs fertile, well-drained soil, regular watering, and 6 to 8 hours of sun daily.

Designing a Bountiful Garden
For scale, use graph paper to sketch your designs, keeping in mind the mature size and habit of each plant. Place larger plants where they won't overshadow shorter ones, and choose compact varieties if you have limited space. Start small; you can always dig more beds or enlarge pre-existing ones in subsequent years.

Preparing the Soil
A healthy vegetable garden requires loamy, well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. Most vegetables prefer slightly acidic soil (6 to 6.8 pH). Start by taking a soil pH test or getting a complete test (for information about testing, contact your local cooperative extension, listed under government offices in the phone book).

If possible, clear and prepare beds in fall for spring planting, or prepare the beds in spring once the soil is workable (pliable but not too wet). Clear an area of sod, weeds, and debris, and use a spade or fork to turn the soil to a depth of 12 to 14 inches, incorporating a 3- to 4-inch layer of compost (or well-rotted manure and any amendments recommended by your soil test) into the top 12 inches of soil. Rake the soil until it is airy and level. Loose, well-aerated soil allows oxygen to reach the plants' roots more readily and warms up more quickly. If your soil is poor, consider building raised beds.