Atlanta, Georgia, United States
I named my page PHASES because, as women we go through all types of PHASES in our lives. I want you to follow me through the PHASES in my life and the growth I go through. I'm here to bring you TRUTH, not ILLUSIONS. The things we see on television, the internet, magazines, and even what we hear from some friends and family are ILLUSIONS. It's what society makes you believe you should look, what you should eat, how to raise our children, what we should do, say, buy, and even think. PHASES want to improve your way of life by letting you think for yourself and have what the spirit wants you to have. Here, I want women of color make and exchange our own clothes, art, sculptures, music, and also ideas. Everything is spiritually inspired to help you through all PHASES of life and expel what we've been brainwashed to do. That's what I want to do, EXPEL WHAT I'VE BEEN BRAINWASHED TO BELIEVE. WELCOME TO PHASES! Princess Ominah


Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Sister Gathering Idea

I'm looking forward to posting up my journey into creating my sister gathering idea, which will be held here in Atlanta. My goal is to connect sisters internationally and not to sell anyone any illusions. Television, internet, family, friends, and society all sell us illusions. What our hair should look like, what we should wear, eat, and do. This is something that has been our condition since slavery but you know what? The most high has given me talents and gifts to share. Isn't that what you do with a gift, share it? I want to reach out to those sisters who have been brain washed and have no real direction in their life. Women who are curious about what's on the other side. Women who were and are feeling down and out. I want to be an inspiration. I want this new organization to be an inspiration. I want other women to be an inspiration to others and pass on the LOVE and WISDOM! I will work hard to bring sister together in love and peace.

It seems like women, black women in particular, are so quick to bring each other down like crabs in a bucket. I want us to come together and uplift each other and support one another.

The things I want for us to do is to began a book club, learn to cook healthy meals, do fun crafts, sewing, work out, and have play dates for our children. I believe it's important for our children to grow up together in a positive safe community. If black women across the globe come together in love and peace I believe we can achieve much more than what we are.

If you are interested in this idea and are in the Atlanta area, please contact me. I would love to hear your ideas.
Princess Ominah

Thanks in advance.

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